
Do your business processes require an approval? Would you like to see your documents being electronically approved, so that you never lose your documents stored on paper? Do you have trouble keeping up with who‘s currently holding the needed documents? Is the environment used by your users disorganised?

Increase the efficiency of the business processes with UNIPROCESS®!

UNIPROCESS® is a tool, used for creating custom workflow processes without the need of customer development. It is based on the standard SAP workflow and functions as an ad-on. The main advantages are easy maintenance and monitoring, and a single approval environment. Customers who use UNIPROCESS® are freed from the need of workflow processes optimization, because the framework is ready to process a great amount of approval processes and users.

The main benefits of UNIPROCESS®

  • A unified environment for defining, managing and monitoring of the WF processes.
  • A significant acceleration of the circulation of electronic documents (purchase order request, order, invoice, request for material master data, etc.).
  • Ensures the clarity and transparency of the process.
  • Effective tool for analysing WF processes and resolving possible incidents.
  • Firm integration ties to the organizational structure.
  • Easy setup and maintenance of the Rules of Procedure of the company.
  • Sophisticated management of approval steps and effective implementation of new workflow processes.

Customer references

  • UNIPROCESS – Česká pojišťovna

    UNIPROCESS – Česká pojišťovna

    UNIPROCESS® – workflow implementation

    The main advantage of using the Uniprocess workflow is the unification of the WF administration process and approval prediction.

    Petr Spanilý, FI and WF consultant, Česká pojišťovna, a.s.


    UNIPROCESS® – workflow implementation

    Fast implementation of the workflow contributes to the increase of purchasing performance.

    Ing. Barbora Dvořáková, The Director of Purchasing noncore services and materials, ČEZ, a. s.
  • UNIPROCESS – Vodňanská drůbež

    UNIPROCESS – Vodňanská drůbež

    UNIPROCESS® – workflow implementation

    For management of the company I see the main benefit of the solution in having the overview of the order requests, an overview of the orders themselves, and also their processing. The implementation of UNIPROCESS® gives the management a comprehensive and well-controlled overview of the purchasing processes in the company.

    Ing. Pavla Bublíková, CFO, Vodňanská drůbež, a.s.
  • UNIPROCESS – Zentiva Group

    UNIPROCESS – Zentiva Group

    UNIPROCESS® – workflow implementation

    The implementation of workflow helped the revision of information about material master data in four manufacturing plants. It also enabled the transfer of responsibility for data entry to the information owner.

    Ing. Jiří Vácha, SCM Director / Ing. Aleš Kapitán, Master Data Expert, Zentiva Group, a.s.
  • UNIPROCESS – Trigema

    UNIPROCESS – Trigema

    UNIPROCESS® – workflow implementation

    An advantage of UNIPROCESS® is the effective and quick implementation of new workflows without the need of external consultants. The implementation of workflow for invoice settlements resulted in the reduction of the total number of approved invoices and time saving throughout the entire process.

    Ing. Michal Tota, IT Director, Trigema a.s.