Cloud on the Czech market vs. Europe

Cloud on the Czech market vs. Europe | con4PAS

We present the second part in a series of short articles focusing on the "Cloud" and experience with its implementation. This time we look at how different the Czech market acceptance of Cloud solutions is compared to other countries.

August 23, 2016

It is an unwritten rule that the Central European IT market follows the Western European and the American one with a certain delay. Western Europe is today further down the road in the process of cloud adaptation and it is hungry for specific information and experience gained from the already carried-out projects. There is considerable emphasis on the specific impacts of incorporating this service into the already existing IT environment of certain companies.

The Czech Republic and the Central European region respectively, is rather in the first stage carefully getting to know this possibility. A certain distrust, which I consider natural at this stage, prevails. On the other hand, even in the Czech Republic we already have some cloud early birds. I could specifically name the company SIKO Koupelny, which, after comparing on-premise solutions to cloud, decided to use SAP Cloud for Customer solutions for business teams. One of the main factors to answer the business tasks was the solution's flexibility.


Jan Ferjo | Business Development Director | con4PAS, Inc.

SAP Hybris C4C SIKO Reference

Are you interested in SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer? Read more about the solution and the customer reference.


Short articles focusing on the "Cloud"