Slogans like Pay today - Use tomorrow in the context of the Cloud

Slogans like Pay today - Use tomorrow in the context of the Cloud | con4PAS

We present the third part in a series of short articles focusing on the "Cloud" and experience with its implementation. We asked Jan Ferjo, Business Development Director at con4PAS, how he perceives the slogans like "Pay today - Use tomorrow" in the context of the Cloud.

October 31, 2016

As I mentioned before, cloud solutions are today moved to the level of dramatic change in the way of thinking and the business model.  As with other proggresive ideas and solutions, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

To start with, it is important to realize that, cloud solutions, when talking about applied cloud, are simlpy just solutions. I would like to emphasize the word "just" here. It is absolutely unrealistic to expect that by buying this service the results of a certain company will rapidly change for the better over night just like waving a magic wand. As if we expected that by buying a new car, getting in and turning the key, we will suddenly move from Prague to Brno. In this case, a purchased car is only a means to get from one place to another.

It is the same for cloud solutions - Cloud is the means to achieve the objective. Even the best cloud application is not going to solve the problems and tasks, which a company faces. This is true in an on-premise world as well as a cloud world.

On the other hand, it is also true that the approach to this service is different from on-premise solutions, and from the financial as well as the implementation point of view.


Jan Ferjo | Business Development Director | con4PAS, Inc.

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Short articles focusing on the "Cloud"